The SS Carica Milica was built by William Doxford & Sons Ltd at their Pallion yard in 1928, and used to carry coal to Yugoslavia.
She was Registered in Yugoslavia. They were neutral at the start of the second World War, but any vessel in British waters was at risk – and in November 1939 she struck a mine that had only been laid that day, and sank about 8Km off the Suffolk coast. No hands were lost.
In 2016 surveys were being undertaken to develop an offshore wind farm. One of the anomalies detected turned out to be a ship’s bell, later identified as being from Carica Milica.
Conservation work was carried out by Wessex Archaeology, and when complete the bell was handed over to us, as custodians of the heritage of its manufacturer.
It now has Pride of Place in its own humidity-controlled display cabinet in our visitor centre.
More details HERE and an explorable 3-D image below!
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